Oct 16, 2014

Protecting the Creative Mind

When I think of a truly creative person, I imagine the movie Amadeus which depicts the life story of the composer Mozart. Does it get more creative than that guy? He started writing music when he was a toddler. He also suffered from mental illness.

I think we are all familiar with the idea that creative geniuses can be a little nutty. You just can't be "normal" if you are bursting with creativity. It is the spice of life and a fundamental part of human existence, but a creative spirit can be a hard cross to bear. Many,  many writers/artists/musicians/actors have succumbed to the impulsive, out-of-touch-with-reality dark side of creativity. They hurt themselves and those who love them. In their honor, for my blog today I'm highlighting a poster that seems simple, even silly, but in my opinion, is a highly effective guide to keeping your brain healthy.

Even though there are thousands of suffering artists, there are also thousands of mentally balanced artists. You do not have to suffer to live a creative life.

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